Sunday, September 18, 2011

GED Math Help

It's been three weeks into school and busy!  Seems there are just as many "out of work" or "don't have a diploma" adults visiting our Center.  All are anxious and all just want to learn the skills and either move on or pass the GED Math Test.

This Fall I am focusing again on small group math instruction within a lab environment.  Why you might ask?  That is a good question.  The answer is two-fold.

First, it is a matter of money.  As we all know, money for education keeps getting tighter and tighter.  I am trying to be creative in how the Center is being used and hoping that offering individual and groups of instruction will be appealing to many students.

Mostly, though, it is because I have found that there are a large group of individuals who like the group setting.  They get direct instruction and then have the time to practice skills on their own.

For math, I have been using worksheets from   Its a great site.  I included an image below of a sample worksheet. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

GED Math and School Again!

It is hard to believe that it is that time again. Back to school and back to thinking about finishing your GED.
Again, as I survey my students.... I find that the GED Math Test is one of the hardest and most challenging!
I have been busy putting together GED math worksheets and other tools to help students pass the GED Math Test.
They are collected on
Check it out.... and if you like what you see "Like" Worksheetsdirect on Face Book.  As new worksheets are generated and added to the site, it will be posted on Face Book.

Enjoy and good luck!